SWAB testing is now available in Aditya Hospital

Covid 19 test now available

Another important addition to the hospital facilities is the Critical Care Ambulance to transfer critically ill patients. A fully air-conditioned Ambulance with Monitor and facilities carry the most critical patients.

We have a full-fledged physiotherapy unit with most sophisticated instruments. This unit is under the supervision of Dr. Srikant Sikatia, Masters in Physio Therapy and experienced physiotherapist to assist the patients in their convalescence and rehabilitation. This is very helpful in early recovery of orthopaedic patients, stroke patients and post-neurosurgery patients, Cardiology and Respiratory disease…

This is one of the most modern infertility units in Upper Assam. This clinic has the latest technology for assisted reproduction with state-of-the-art equipment, such as, IUI, IVF, ICSI, Semen Bank and Cryopreservation.

The modern Gynaecological Surgery Unit of this hospital facilitates Laparoscopy, Colposcopy, Uterine Balloon Therapy & Harmonic Scalpal for bloodless surgery.

A well-equipped Obstetrics Unit is available for high-risk pregnancy with provision for modern intensive care. Two separate Operation Theatres are provided along with a well equipped Labour Room is provided to this unit.
This unique Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit for very critical babies is one of the most sophisticated units of this kind in India and has the state-of-the-art equipments. This unit is equipped with Microprocessor Controlled Incubators, Multiparameter Monitors, Precision Infant Warmers, Photo Therapy Equipment, Accurate Fluid and O2 Delivery System, Ventilators, Sufactant Therapy, etc. A…

The EYE CARE DIVISION is equipped with Operational Microscope from Carl Zeiss (Germany) and Phacoemulsification System (Alcon – USA) for revolutionery sutureless cataract surgery with Intraocular Lens Implantation (IOL). This Division has a full time Opthalmologist with basic eye care facilities, such as, Auro-Refractometry (Tomey-Japan), Sit Lamp Biomicrosopy, Indirect Opthalmoscopy and other emergency services. Recently…